Key factor before choosing preschool for your kids: St.stephen's killaari preschool, kindergarten and Daycare.
Preschool, kindergarten or Daycare are the name comes under the same category slightly distinguished by their structure and method of management. This whole structure was started almost two decades back and soon became the part of the eductational system and now where the life is hard and fast in tier 1 and tier 2 types of cities, it becomes the neccessity of lifestyle and the now it's on the stage where this whole system is getting welcoming acceptance at a grand level irrespective of the geography, class and type. Almost every parents start doing hunt for a preschool, kindergarten or daycare which serve their purose of education and fits their convenience with all front. Getting the information through brochures, seeing digital ads, Visiting the campus somehow helps the parents to take their decision but here we suggest few points which will help parents to take decision with more transperency.
* Nearby location: we suggest before going further to any decision or even before starting their hunt for Preschool for their kids, Parents must set their radius of the location into their mind which should not cross more than 5 Km or 15 min distance from their home or their workplace if both the parents are working.
Parents should maintain the higher probablity of situation in their mind that their kids can need them any moment and they will be able to make with him under a very short notice of time. That would also calm their kids that his parents are just nearby and will be available whenever he/ she will need them.
* Campus: As the requirement of Preschools and kindergarten is in demand, it is also being taken seriously as business opportunity and every day new schools are in the town. Normal area required to open a preschool is almost 3500- 4000 sq.feet and most of the preschool's campus are in rented building ranging from 1500 sq. feet to 2500 sq. feet multi storey villa which is wisely designed into a proper academic section, office section and playground section. It's a complete normal procedure and seems okay but still we suggest it would be great and lower the risk of any mishap if school campus layout is in a single frame.
*Physical activities: It's a very old saying, "Health is Wealth". Even today the phrase holds the intact value and if it is connected to the kids, it becomes very much important. So, it should play as the most important key factors while choosing a preschool for your kids. Always look for outdoor gaming facilities and physical activities even before putting the academic infrastructure on priority. Where physical activities is going to keep your kids fit and happy, games are going to teach them work as a team, taking and managing losses, proper concentration.
*Academic system: As we already discussed that preschool and kindergarten is in great demand and most of the schools being opened everyday which simply works on Copy paste method. Most of them worked on feeding the knowledge to the kids with an aim to make the kids clear through any top class school's admission entrance exam. The fact is, Scope of any preschool or kindergarten is just not limited to this. Look for the preschool who have their own designed books where kids are taught mostly through activities rather than books, make sure that each teacher design their class on every topics where kids can learn every topic from scratch with logic. Also, make sure that they are organizing class activities for social behaviour, do's and dont's and surrounding awareness.
*Management: Management of the School you are choosing is also play a vital role in your decision. Nowadays, Schools are either independent bodies or working as a branch franchisee for some big names. Independent bodies are directly managed by owner where as franchisee bodies are managed by trained professional team. Here, parents are suggested to choose between these two wisely as per their needs because both have pros and cos. If we talk about Independent bodies, they are directly managed and holds a small chain of communications and runs within a flexible framework where parents suggestions and complaints are heard easily on short notice and action and changes are implied comparatively on fast track rather than franchisee bodies. In case of franchisee branches, large professional teams works behind the desk to maintain there brand name which gives a kind of confidence to parents as compare to individual bodies. Charges are higher in franchisee bodies because of the inclusion of royalty while independent bodies charges are free of royalty and charge less from the parents.
*Services and security: This is the last but not the least point. Parents should also take consideration of services such as pick and drop facilities, Relaxing room, medical room and security features such as cctv feed into the mind before making decision.
Parents can count upper point as one score for every points mentioned above and choose to get their kids admitted in the preschool having highest score out of six. Admission open
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